Contentment, a state of happiness and satisfaction. The Lord tells us in these verses to be content in Him. All that we could possibly NEED besides the Lord is food and clothing. How often do I make the mistake of thinking that I need something other than the Lord, too often. I often find myself thinking about when I will be content in life. I will be content when I have this job, I will be content when I get married, I will be content when I have this, that, or the other thing. But what a great reality it is to realize that we can not possibly take anything out of this world with us. We can carry no friendship, no relationship, no job, nor any item into eternity with us yet I find myself looking all around me for temporary satisfactions. These temporary satisfactions will only lead me to a place in which I am deceiving myself, in a place farther from the Lord than I should be. If I’m being honest, I often become frustrated with the Lord when I don’t see what I want coming in the near future, patience is another thing that I need to work on. I get myself into bad situations when I try to do things in my own timing simply to find contentment. Not only do I end up less content than I was too begin with but I find myself further from the Lord than I ever thought or had planned. I now understand why the Lord hasn't brought things too me, because I think I’m ready, but He knows that I’m not. I must first find satisfaction in the Lord. I must stop seeking to find temporary contentment in things of the world and find not only my contentment, but my life in the Lord.
The Lord’s heart is a vast ocean of love and mercy but more often than not I forget how deep and how wide that is. Both bitterness and jealousy are things that I struggle with on a daily basis. I have a hard time forgiving people the same way that my Savior forgave me. I struggle to not be jealous of the people around me. Being a girl there is always something telling me me that I have to be the prettiest and that I have to be the skinniest, but why? If the Lord is perfection He can not possibly create word that is imperfect. “I praise, you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works. My soul knows it very well.” My God doesn't make mistakes. Selfishness is another one of those things that can try to take root in my life. I can look at what I think I have and think that I cant give that up because I worked so hard for it. But you know what, it wasn't my work. Nothing that I do has ever been done in my own power. All of my power is of the Lord and who am I...
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