It is important to remain confident that the Lord will come through. Sometimes we pray to God asking the same questions for days, months, or even years without a response. But we must know and truly believe one thing, we will see the goodness of the Lord and we must wait on Him. We need to remain in good courage without doubting His love and His promises. The word of the Lord proves true and we must stand steadfast upon that truth. Psalm 18:30 “This God—his way is perfect; the word of the LORD proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.” The Lord will provide us with the strength that we need to press on and as soon as we believe we dot need His strength and we try to rely on our own is when we will fall to the ground. We must press on and know for an absolute fact that whatever the Lord is doing and whatever we cant see it is being worked out for His plan and His great and divine purpose. As David waited on the Lord He didn't just sit around waiting. He was being chased by an army of men that were seeking his life, but David knew that the Lord heard him. David knew that he wasn't being ignored or forsaken even though He did become any with God at times Psalm 42 :9 is an example of David questioning God’s promises, “I say to God, my rock:“Why have you forgotten me? Why do I go mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?” But David always did one thing, he always when back to what he knew. He always turned from His emotions and went back to what the lord promised, he complained and then always went to but God. Psalm 38:15 “But for you, O LORD, do I wait; it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer.”
The Lord’s heart is a vast ocean of love and mercy but more often than not I forget how deep and how wide that is. Both bitterness and jealousy are things that I struggle with on a daily basis. I have a hard time forgiving people the same way that my Savior forgave me. I struggle to not be jealous of the people around me. Being a girl there is always something telling me me that I have to be the prettiest and that I have to be the skinniest, but why? If the Lord is perfection He can not possibly create word that is imperfect. “I praise, you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works. My soul knows it very well.” My God doesn't make mistakes. Selfishness is another one of those things that can try to take root in my life. I can look at what I think I have and think that I cant give that up because I worked so hard for it. But you know what, it wasn't my work. Nothing that I do has ever been done in my own power. All of my power is of the Lord and who am I...
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