If we plant a peach seed we will come back in due time to find a peach tree. If we plant an apple seed, in due time we will have an apple tree. If we plant a lime seed and we come back in due time we will not come back to a tree filled with lemons, it just doesn't work that way. When we plant a seed we must not expect anything other than what we have planted. If we plant sin and we come back in due time we cant expect a blessing. Sin will only reap sin. While good will reap good. There is no way around this. God will not be mocked and He makes sure that whatever we sow we will also reap. But the part that I tend to mess up on is in the “due time” I plant a seed of good and want to come back in 24 hours to find a fully grown tree filled with blessings. I try to rush things along by giving my seed attention and attempting to help it grow along the way. But the seed doesn't need my help, it just needs time. The seed doesn't need me to come back and check on in every five seconds to see what it needs, because at the end of the day, it isn't my seed, it’s God’s seed. Anything that happens in my life ins’t for my glory or because of my works. It is all for the glory of God and it is all because of His works. I must follow the commands of the Lord and continually plant seed of good and allow the Lord to water and help those seeds grow. I must not look back and focus on those seed but continue to press on and press forward to the seeds that the Lord intends to be planted. If I focus on the seeds of the past I could be missing out on seeds that need to be planted right now. I must keep on keeping on
The Lord’s heart is a vast ocean of love and mercy but more often than not I forget how deep and how wide that is. Both bitterness and jealousy are things that I struggle with on a daily basis. I have a hard time forgiving people the same way that my Savior forgave me. I struggle to not be jealous of the people around me. Being a girl there is always something telling me me that I have to be the prettiest and that I have to be the skinniest, but why? If the Lord is perfection He can not possibly create word that is imperfect. “I praise, you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works. My soul knows it very well.” My God doesn't make mistakes. Selfishness is another one of those things that can try to take root in my life. I can look at what I think I have and think that I cant give that up because I worked so hard for it. But you know what, it wasn't my work. Nothing that I do has ever been done in my own power. All of my power is of the Lord and who am I...
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