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Showing posts from May, 2017

Hosea 2:8-9

Even in the rough and dry season of our lives, the seasons where we feel as if the Lord is everywhere but with us He is there providing. These few verses are proof of the Lord’s kind hearted nature. Gomer was an adulterous woman who the Lord still loved and provided for. Even in the midst of her sin He was there providing for her. The Lord is constantly providing for His children regardless of if His children see it or not. Even when His children are completely lost and broken He is there to provide for them.   When we start to think that we are getting somewhere on our own or when we begin to believe that there is nothing to thank the Lord for because we are unable to see the little things that He has given us we need to stop and repent from that way of thinking. The Lord is always the One providing us with our weekly paychecks that we rely on. The Lord is constantly the One providing the food that we eat, the water we drink, the air that we breath. To be blind to that is t...

Galatians 6:7

If we plant a peach seed we will come back in due time to find a peach tree. If we plant an apple seed, in due time we will have an apple tree. If we plant a lime seed and we come back in due time we will not come back to a tree filled with lemons, it just doesn't work that way. When we plant a seed we must not expect anything other than what we have planted. If we plant sin and we come back in due time we cant expect a blessing. Sin will only reap sin. While good will reap good. There is no way around this. God will not be mocked and He makes sure that whatever we sow we will also reap. But the part that I tend to mess up on is in the “due time” I plant a seed of good and want to come back in 24 hours to find a fully grown tree filled with blessings. I try to rush things along by giving my seed attention and attempting to help it grow along the way. But the seed doesn't need my help, it just needs time. The seed doesn't need me to come back and check on in every five seco...

Psalm 27:13-14

It is important to remain confident that the Lord will come through. Sometimes we pray to God asking the same questions for days, months, or even years without a response. But we must know and truly believe one thing, we will see the goodness of the Lord and we must wait on Him. We need to remain in good courage without doubting His love and His promises. The word of the Lord proves true and we must stand steadfast upon that truth. Psalm 18:30 “This God—his way is perfect; the word of the LORD proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.” The Lord will provide us with the strength that we need to press on and as soon as we believe we dot need His strength and we try to rely on our own is when we will fall to the ground. We must press on and know for an absolute fact that whatever the Lord is doing and whatever we cant see it is being worked out for His plan and His great and divine purpose. As David waited on the Lord He didn't just sit around waiting. He was ...

Psalm 24:7

The Lord doesn’t forget anything but that doesn't mean that he choices to remember. When we come to the Lord asking Him for forgiveness He is never short on forgiving us of our disgusting sins. Something just as great as His forgiveness is that we have a list of zero wrongs. Our list of wrongs is a blank sheet of paper, there is absolutely nothing on it. Even though that is a fact that I know I often forget it. I forget that the Lord makes the choice, not one that He as to make by any means, but He choices to not remember. He is so merciful and He is so incredibly loving that no human being will ever be able to understand it. As humans we tend to walk by emotions, we walk by what we feel and not what we know. I catch myself tripping on my emotions on a daily basis. I forget what I know and I focus on what I feel. This isn't me trying to invalidate emotions, the Lord gave us emotions for a reason, but He never intended on us to focus on them.  If the Lord has forgiven me and...