As a disciple of Jesus Christ I have to use my time, my limited time, to the best of my ability. I have to walk in the wisdom that God provides for me. I have to make sacrifices in my life according to what is important. As I’m sitting here in Antigua Guatemala, with only 4 hours of wifi access a week I realize the little importance of it, especially when it comes to social media. The enemy definitely uses social media to distract me in my walk with the Lord. I strongly believe that people are too connected. No one needs to know everything that is going on in anyones life 24/7. I know that this is true for me, and I’m sure others, but when I look at social media I rarely end up closing the Facebook tab feeling satisfied with what I had just looked at. I usually end us seeing something or reading a status that I didn't care to read and it can ruin my mood in an instant. On the other hand, not all media is negative, some is an extremely useful tool in which the Lord has blessed us with, just not all of it is worth our time. Even when it comes to the music that we listen to. Is it strengthening our walk with the Lord or is it not? I’m not saying “Hey all Christians have to give up secular music.” But all i’m doing is asking if that is the best use of your time? Most things all lawful but not all things are profitable. And I don't want to waste the time that God gave me allowing myself to possibly stumble where I don't need to.
God gave us this body and the time we have in it, as a gift. This time isn't our own. We should be glorifying the Lord with the time that we have and making more disciples and anything that takes us away from the work of the Lord shouldn't be in our lives, let alone be a priority.
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